
We envision a vibrant and diverse movement of Christian women who create in community and who influence culture and faith.

Our Mission

Redbud nurtures a community of Christian women who create rather than merely consume. We are a diverse group of authors, writers and speakers who communicate in order to empower women to use their voices to be world-changers. We are committed to supporting all Redbud members. We create and maintain community by meeting regularly, connecting through social media outlets, and networking through our various channels of influence.

Redbud provides women with needed support and tools to be effective writers and communicators in today’s world such as manuscript and media mentoring and review, networking, writing conferences, blogging opportunities, resources, camaraderie and community.

Our Values


As a community of Christ-following women, we recognize the wide diversity of theological convictions existing both today and across history. We believe by creating in community our faith journeys will continue to unfold. We encourage all Redbud Writers Guild members to uphold their individual faith traditions and honor one another. To this end, we invite all Redbud members to embrace the wisdom of St. Augustine: “In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; and in all things, charity.”


We value the feminine perspective too often silenced or dismissed in our world. We have a heart for women. Redbud desires to empower women to use their voices and recognize their influence.


We believe safety is foundational to the creative process and we strive to make Redbud a safe place. This includes a spirit of non-competition.


We celebrate and respect our unity amidst our diversity. We believe being part of a collective voice helps to amplify our individual voices.

Fearlessly expanding the feminine voice in our communities, faith, and culture.

© 2010-2015 Redbud Writers Guild. All Rights Reserved.

Redbud is a 501c3. Join us in our mission. Funds support scholarships, events, and publications.

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