Exuberant Giving: Beyond the Tithe

Exuberant Giving: Beyond the Tithe

Years ago, our teenage daughter came home late one night from an exclusive Boston fashion show she’d been invited to with several friends. “Look what I won in a raffle!” she said, and held out a gorgeous Yves St. Laurent handbag. I turned over the label and saw the...
Letter From the Editor

Letter From the Editor

Have you ever said to yourself, I thought we’d have more time? If you’ve ever unexpectedly lost someone you loved, you’ve probably thought that. You thought they’d be there longer. You thought you could have one more conversation. Share one more cup of coffee. Laugh...
Can Time Heal All Wounds?

Can Time Heal All Wounds?

The soft chimes on my phone alarm sounded on the nightstand next to me. I opened my eyes long enough to find the phone, slide the alarm to snooze, and set it back down. For one blissful second, life felt good and normal. But just as quickly, the bleak reality of my...
Time, Foreignness, and the Immigrant Journey

Time, Foreignness, and the Immigrant Journey

A few weeks ago, I submitted a devotion to the editor of an anthology. In my submission, I recalled feeling out of place in the U.S. when I first emigrated to the U.S. from India. I shared how the visceral experience of being a foreigner helped me understand my...
Wasting Time

Wasting Time

Moms tend to be preoccupied with time. Or more precisely, with time management. The moms in the MOPS group I coordinate ask for a time management speaker every semester, worried by the way the days seem to stretch out forever yet also mysteriously elapse while they’re...
The Investment of Time

The Investment of Time

My older cousin visited us on our recent trip to India. She was thrilled to see our family and wanted to do something nice for us. She tried to take us shopping and buy us some new clothes. Since we were in town for a short break and didn’t need new clothes, I...

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